Stim Social offers up 50% off promo code during Covid-19 pandemic
Back in June 2019, TikTok announced that they have over 1 billion active users a day. the active users are probably a lot more now than it was eight months ago.
Now that we all have the spare time, we’re finding the space to engage with at-home activities including streaming more, using the internet more, interacting with and creating content social media.
All of that is a good choice during this time of staying at home and keep safe social distance. Don’t just consume, but take this opportunity to establish yourself on the hottest social media platform – Tiktok.
Use Stim Social to Improve TikTok Engagement
It’s no surprise that social media usage has spiked and is at an ALL-TIME high during our collective quarantine. With the increased usage, engagement has gone up, followers have gone up, also likes, loves, shares, and comments have all exponentially increased as we spend an unprecedented amount of time at home. This trend was heading the other direction before all this came down.
Prior to the pandemic, consumers and tech companies were both becoming more aware of the overuse of social media and actively trying to limit it. In a time when people can’t connect with friends and family in person, companies have put these efforts on pause.
Things have changed rather quickly. Now is the time to get growing on TikTok.
Stim Social, one of the best tools to increase the visibility of your content on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, is offering a one time code for 50% off for 1 month by using this special promotional code F-Covid.