Use TodayTix Lottery to get cheap tickets to Broadway shows

When TodayTix abruptly ended their referral loyalty program, many wondered whether one could still get a good deal on TodayTix. The company has slowly increased their prices so it wasn’t nearly as easy to find a deal on TodayTix that you couldn’t get at Broadway Box or TKTS.

One offering from the company that is still worthwhile is TodayTix lottery tickets.

What are Broadway Lottery Tickets?

Lottery tickets are a great way to get discounted tickets to any number of coveted Broadway shows. The vast majority of the major shows offer them — and if you win, you not only get tickets to a great show you’ve wanted to see, but you get it at a price that’s heavily-discounted with the lottery price ranging from $10 to $50 depending on the show – which is a steep discount off face-value. Not just that, lottery tickets tend to be pretty good seats, too. So you should definitely be trying your luck.

TodayTix’s Easy Lottery Entry System

Usually, Broadway lotteries require you to sign in through a social network or fill out a form. It’s not hard but it ain’t a couple swipes and taps like TodayTix. We won’t say it’s easier to win lottery tickets to your favorite Broadway Shows if you use TodayTix, but what we will say as experienced Broadway ticket Lottery players, that the TodayTix app makes it much easier to enter a lottery — or several of them. That’s because if you already have the app (and if you don’t — why not?), you don’t have to go through the registration process, signing in or filling out a form.

With TodayTix on your phone, you can just scroll, tap a couple times and you’re entered the lottery for the shows you want to enter. It’s so easy, you can put your name in for ones you aren’t as interested in.

Social Sharing Increases Odds of Winning

After you choose to enter, you have the option to improve your chances of winning that lottery by sharing it on social networks Twitter or Facebook. With a social share, you will automatically have your entries increased by one (for one share) or gtwo (for two shares). Not bad if you want to triple your chances.

Not all shows offer lotteries. TodayTix lottery isn’t available on their website, it’s only available on the app. For more about TodayTix lottery, go to their official help page.

Cost of Broadway Show Lottery Tickets
Show Lottery Price
Wicked $30
Hamilton $10
Angels of America $35 (2)

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